Speech (plan)



  • Proves your knowledge
  • Need to know
  • Allows your audience to learn
  • Backs up your demonstration



  • Examples of your mastery
  • Jargon
  • Won’t believe you without it
  • Know what you’re doing
  • Audience engages
  • Successful



  • More likely to believe
  • Empathy
  • Emotional connection equals relatability


You need to have a logical progression to ou speech. One point needs to flow into the next so that your audience is able to understand your demonstration fully.

Start with your introduction:

How will you greet and engage your audience?

What is your activity?

Why did you decide to present this activity and why are you teaching it to the audience.

Start off by grabbing your audiences attention immediately. you can do this in many ways.

Start by giving your audience a command, open with a joke, tell them a story or ask them a question.

When you have demonstrated your topic, it is time to wrap up. You need to think about what you want to leave your audience with.

Make sure

  1. What are the points you need to reinforce?
  2. How will you make this memorable for your audience?
  3. Have you made it that the audience can do it themselves?
  4. How will you conclude and thank your audience?

Use these techniques

  • Rhetorical question
  • Directly speaking to the audience
  • Personal pronouns
  • Figurative language
  • Repetition
  • Humour
  • Analogy

Real Speech

  • Have you ever had the feeling where you just want to conquer the world?
  • Well, I can help you to do this because today I’m here to teach you all how to win the board game Risk
  • I have won risk using the strategies that I am going to tell you today, so I hope you are listening
  • Firstly, it helps to know that real global domination is a piece of cake compared to risk, and that no other game is as good
  • It is scientifically proven to be good for the brain and also improves your knowledge about places around the world
  • The importance of winning a game of risk is immeasurable and I know this firsthand, as I have participated in 6 player games of risk sometimes lasting up to six hours.  It gets really intense, and losing makes you feel horrible, but if you win the glory is the best feeling in existence and you get looked up to as a strategic genius.  
  • I have played with somebody who has never won a game of risk before.  His name is Romili. I have constantly heard him say things like “I’ll never be complete until I win a game” and “I wish I was as talented as Charlie, Thomas and Red, and I wish they would teach me their strategies.”  Whenever I hear him say things like this I feel extremely sympathetic and hope that one day he will win a game. 
  • And this is what inspired me to show you these strategies today 
  • I saw a survey online that said that 94% of 90 years olds wish they had won games of risk when they were younger.  

  • Now that you know the importance of risk, I will begin to explain how the game goes
  • Risk is a board game where you and your friends each start with an army, and have to use it to try and conquer the world and eliminate all the other players.
  • You begin by placing your troops in different places around the world, and you must use dice to attack and defend against other players.  
  • You get a certain amount of troops each turn depending on how many territories and continents you own.  
  • Listen to the strategies and tips that I am going to tell you, and you will always win
  • There are two main aspects to master, if you want to become a Risk god and I will explain both of them
  • The first one is knowing how the game of Risk works and all the little details and tips, and the second one, which is much more important is knowing how to use the other players to your advantage.  

Some strategies and tips for knowing little details that help to win include:

  1. Establish a base, and build up your armies in that spot.  
  2. Conquer a continent and fortify it well, as this will increase the number of armies you get for each turn. 
  3. Only attempt to conquer an enemy’s continent if you can attack with a decent amount more troops 
  4. Use as many dice as you are allowed to roll whether you are attacking or defending 
  5. A strong player should divide and conquer, while weaker players should unite until they get more powerful and the strong people get weaker.  
  6. Wipe out the weak as soon as you can because you can get cards and they are no longer a threat.  

Some crucial ways of using the other players to your advantage include: 

  1. Making alliances before the game begins as this improves your chances of victory greatly because there is one less threat and they will help attack your enemies with you 
  2. Stay loyal to your allies.  If you hesitate to make decisions on whether you are going to betray them or not, they will turn on you.  If you stay loyal to your allies then it is likely it will just be you and them left at the end.  
  3. If somebody is attacking one of your territories you really don’t want them attacking, threaten them that you will dedicate the rest of the game on attacking them because of it and that will most likely scare them off 
  4. When it is almost just you and your alliances left, try and get them to do the rest of the work killing the enemy so that you are able to finish them off when you have to fight them at the end 
  5. Make sure that nobody else finds out you are teaming with others or the other players will team up against you 
  6. Always be on the lookout for any other players who have teamed up and expose them if you find out.  
  1. My last bonus strategy for how to win risk is to always clap your hands three times before you roll the dice.  You may ask why to do such an unordinary thing. The reason is because if you do this, the dice will always land on what you want it to land on.  Watch as I demonstrate this.  

I would like to thank you all for listening to my speech and hope you all enjoy conquering the world.  

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